Über uns

Unsere Mission ist es, Ihr Unternehmen durch Technologie zu verbessern.


Wir liefern IT-Lösungen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, smarter zu arbeiten.

SAPS AG wurde als Tochtergesellschaft von SAPS Services Ltd. gegründet. Die Mission des Unternehmens ist es, hochwertige Software-Beratungsdienste in Schweizer Qualität für die gesamte DACH-Region anzubieten.

Unser Team verfügt über mehr als 22 Jahre Erfahrung in verschiedenen Branchen – FinTech, Gesundheitswesen, Dokumentenmanagement, Rechtssoftware, Autovermietung und Treueprogramme.

Wir haben Dienstleistungen für die größten Unternehmen und Fonds in den USA und Kanada erbracht. Der Ansatz, den wir zur Erreichung Ihrer Ziele verfolgen, besteht darin, die Bedürfnisse des Kunden zu besprechen, zu dokumentieren, zu analysieren, zu erforschen und die beste Lösung dafür vorzuschlagen.

Vertrauenswürdiger und zuverlässiger Partner



Communication and Collaboration
  • Regular meetings with Middle Management Staff
  • Regular discussions with clients and internal technological sessions
  • Knowledge sharing – everyone in the team should be informed and aware who, what and when has been done
Mentorship and Growth
  • Motivate senior level developers to teach and train junior members
  • Dedicating and promoting mid-level people to lead, guide and take decisions
  • Whenever there is a good team, it should be enlarged by adding junior people to them
Quality Assurance
  • The basic topic is the quality of work. We excel in what we do
  • Planning of resources for a project – separation of environments, source control, proof of concept, time-tracking and task system
  • Deep dive into all requirements from the beginning
Ownership and Risk-Taking
  • Promote senior developers and solution architects to take the responsibility to decide and plan their solutions
  • A person who can take a leadership role in certain cases, even a not so excellent developer, is always considered as a valuable one
  • The ability to take the risk, to learn from the mistakes and later take the right decisions in the right moment is highly appreciated

Wir legen Wert darauf, eine Kultur zu schaffen, die Wachstum, Kreativität und Exzellenz in allen Aspekten unserer Arbeit bei SAPS Services fördert. Indem wir offene Kommunikation, Mentoring-Möglichkeiten und eine Verpflichtung zur Qualitätssicherung fördern, streben wir danach, einen dynamischen und kollaborativen Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen, in dem Teammitglieder gedeihen können.

Wir liefern IT-Lösungen, die es Ihnen ermöglichen, smarter zu arbeiten.

Entfalten Sie Ihr Potenzial für Produktivität mit hochmodernen Technologielösungen.

Georgi Iskrenov


CEO of SAPS AG and SAPS Services Ltd.

An experienced, resilient and resourceful Software Engineer, Project Manager, Tech Lead and Solution Architect with more than 20 years of software development experience with MS Technologies and a number of certificates: MCP, MCAD, MCSD.NET, MCPD, TS. Georgi’s main responsibilities include company strategy, partnerships, certifications, expansion roadmap and domain specific knowledge generation among his teams.

Dimitar Elkov


A proven IT Manager with more than 10 years of experience in various Full Stack roles. Dimitar is responsible for project planning and resource allocations. He is leading the Full Stack knowledge department by guiding, envisioning and educating team members with the latest practices in the area. Dimitar’s role was assigned to him in the beginning of 2023.

Antonio Buyukliev


A proven IT Manager with more than 6 years of experience. Antonio started as a junior full stack developer in the company. For the last 5 years he has proven as a reliable team member who is able to balance between different engagements. He excels in communication with different stakeholders by paying attention to details and delivery. Antonio is responsible for the Cloud knowledge department, latest news, latest certifications and best practices while working various cloud platforms. Antonio started as Director of Projects in the beginning of 2023.